Category Archives: WWII

September 30, 2015 – what is coming towards us????

First I want to suggest and remind myself although comfort foods are good for me sometimes probably not a good idea to over eat anything these days.  Last night when I got home from Tai Chi I had a bowl of pasta and cheese. My very favorite comfort food.  Turns out it was too much and my stomach was in terrible pain until about 2 am.  So it was a short nights sleep.  Silly really of me.  I ate the whole bowl although I kept thinking I was full and did not need any more but another voice kept telling me to keep eating.  I did and I paid for it.  Good thing I had no place to go to today.  Was able to take a nap for an hour in the afternoon.

Now for the big excitement.  I thought the big rain was suppose to be today – WRONG – turns out the hurricane might be coming this way. I have to drive to DC on Saturday and it is suppose to be hit dead on Saturday night. Hopefully I can leave early and get there before the worst of it hits.  Am thinking maybe i should drive inland rather than on the turnpike but we shall see how things look by Friday night.   Maybe mother nature will be good and the storm will go east and miss us entirely.

The new grass and plants outside looked really nice today after all the rain last night.  All fresh and Irish green looking.  Just a lovely view. Cannot wait for some sunshine to see who great it will look and to take some pictures.

Working on Genealogy today trying to find files out in Salt Lake that I want to read.  Found some interesting ones just don’t know if I will find any of my family on there.  Sure hope I find something that will make the trip worth while.  So many areas to focus on and as usual I am all over the place.

And finally, I am not going to say a lot about this but have to say I was upset that the Pope met with the County Clerk from Kentucky.  What a disappointment! Of all the people in the US for him to meet with.  I was sad to hear that and wonder who had advised him to meet with her.   Yes, she has the religious freedom to do what she wants but she also has to be willing to take the consequences for her actions.  Such as quitting her job rather than going against her principals.  Just not happy about this.


Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m still on nights but should be off on the 4 of December. Received lots and lots of parcels. Have received Xmas parcels from Mom & Dad, Mary & Eileen, Ferg & Connie, Marg & Allan, Norah & Milt and Auntie May Shea. Then yesterday received Choc (Laura’s) from Allan Pollerk, my that was so nice of him to send me them. I really think it is so thoughtful of him and shall write him soon.

Also received cigarettes from “Laura Cam” 405 King St. who is what??? I have absolutely no idea who she is – is she Miss or Mrs, and who is she? Maybe I should know but darn if I can think who it is.

I have Monday and Sunday off and I think I told you we are going to Bournemouth and hope we have a good time.

I shall not be sending any money home till after January now, as we – Doylie, Suddsie and Bl… and I go on leave again the 8th of Jan and we are going to Ireland. Definitely. So give me a list of places to go eh and of anything in particular you would like me to get you. Unfortunately everything is rationed over there also, so clothes or linen will be out, as we know no one in Ireland to get coupons from – so –

But we are all very thrilled about going, and hope nothing upsets our plans, this time as I should love to go.

Am still wondering if you got my Xmas presents yet, because I think Lt. Lorenzo should be in Canada by now.
I am thinking also Major Norman Wilson- Smith will be at RMC around the 5 or 6 of Dec, so don’t forget to have one the O’Connor Super dinners for him.

I have been wondering about all the latest news from Canada about conscription and just what it will mean.

Well dears, this is all for now. Love to you all, and Mother dear, do take things easy eh.

Love Sheila

September 29, 2015 – Getting better and what is this about the worst storm since Sandy on the way?

I just heard that the storm coming might be worst than the Sandy the hurricane was.. hard to believe since there has been nothing said about it and this weekend the weather is suppose to be terrible.. Yuck. I have to drive down south.  Also have to get some laundry dry so I guess tomorrow it will be on the rack in the kitchen since rain is going to keep coming.

Today started slowly.  Not a lot of energy and I got a couple of naps in during the day.  Would love to say I accomplished something but I guess it will have to wait until some other day. If all goes well tomorrow I will get somethings done so I can leave with a good feeling.

Went to Tai Chi this evening. Really love it and should be doing it every day to perfect the 108 moves and boy am I lazy.  Did I tell you I have been reading a lot about hypothyroidism?  I have had this condition since I was a kid.  Once took meds when I was 19 or 20 for six months and then they left me high and dry.  Next time I was diagnoses was in my 30’s.  All those years of symptoms and my body fighting with me.  My biggest memory is that if I worked really hard one day then next day I would feel like I had been run over by a ten ton truck.  Made having four kids quite the challenge.  Luckily I did not have the problem others have of having problems having kids.  Lots of miscarriages  and other problems.  Mine are just mainly energy issues, weight, dry skin, and a few other things.  I think my next step is to see an endocrinologist. Regular doctors  don’t even seem to know that there are other blood tests that are a better judge of if one is getting the correct dosage.

now a letter from Sheila to her sister Eileen.  Eileen had polio in 1944 and also was pregnant with her second daughter.

No envelope – plain white paper


My Dear Eileen:

I have been intending to write to you for so long, to tell you I have thought and prayed for you so much and hope you are better, or on the road to being alright, quick, of all the rotten luck, Liz to have to get that, you poor kid, I really think it is a shame and hope the leg is not too uncomfortable.

Mom + Dad keep me informed about Janie’s doings and she really sounds like a real little girl now. It seems hard to picture them talking and saying all the things as Mom + Dad write.

But believe it or not it is just 6 months since I left that Kingston station on the Monday night at 7:oo o’clock. It really seems an awful lot longer than that to me. That was such a queer day, I was so torn inside with the wish , of wanting to go overseas, and of wanting to stay, but I think if anyone had mentioned the fact that I didn’t have to go, I would have been off draft P.d.q.
But I am enjoying my army life to the full, and believe or not have learnt not to let little things upset me, because when I see all these lad 19 to 23, minus a leg, eye or arm and still in F.1 humour and going back to Canada, I think “what are all my worries to his huge ones.”

The Canadian lads can certainly take it with flying colours, they are certainly a grand bunch, every one of them.
I am really enjoying my work very much and you should see me around here in the morning. I take blood work, like an old blood sucker, no kidding and I really get the vein right off too – not bad eh – but here I am tooting my own horn at the speed of a hare.

Well dear this has been a queer rambling letter and it start out to be a letter directly to you and all I do is talked about “me”. Such a writer as I am. But anyway dear, do take it easy and get well and strong before you decide the apt. is dirty eh. Do take it easy and get well. I’m very thrilled over the idea of Janie having a brother of sister – what are you going to call the baby?

Must make rounds now so shall close. Give Jane a big kiss for me and all my love to the three or should I say four of you.

September 28, 2015 – Cough, Cough, hack hack, kachoo..

Yup, totally have a cold. Slept upstairs last night so I would not reinfect the husband.  Slept in today and took it easy and took a couple of naps.  Feel totally washed out so not sure what to write about since I feel like crap. Just sitting here watching reruns of “Castle”.  Seems I missed a lot of the shows while we were in Ireland last year etc. Now I am watching the latest Castle.   My chest is so tight that tomorrow will probably be a visit to the doctor day. She just saw me last week so go figure.  I cannot seem to stay out of their office this past 12 months.  My immune system sucks totally.

So tonight I will give you two letters from Sheila just to make up for my lack of desire to write anything.


Dear All:

I’m still on nites and now am not on but busy, have 2 medical wards, and really no sick patients so am not complaining one bit.

I received a cute letter from Stew B???? and it was perfect hearing from him. He is stationed at the same place as Doylies’ brother Joe is. So we have arranged to go down and see them this week-end. Doylie is coming off nites this weekend and shall come off Sunday morning, and goes back on Tuesday morning, so I took my night for this week Sunday & next week Monday for next week, so it shall be a nice change and so good to see someone from home.

I got a letter from a Miss M Bolger saying she was sending me a parcel to give to the boys. Now Mother, when it arrives do I write a thank you note directly to her, or to all the woman in the CWL. She wrote, “I heard from the CWL that some boys may not get Xmas parcels so sending you a box” does that mean she is sending it on her own, or through the CWL. So let me know who to thank she said I would have been notified so I’m a bit mixed as to who I’m to thank.

If there is anyone in particular you want me to send cards to, Xmas cards just tell me and I shall.

I have been hearing a lot from Pattsy, and she seems to be enjoying life to the full eh. There is no news of us moving one way or another, but for now, I’m quite with 13th.

Well dears, shall close for now, and love to you all, and wish you all were over here, or me over there, but such is life.
Miss you all a lot but know how lucky I am not have you all to miss. Hope Mom’s eyes are better, and that Eileen is a whole whole lot better,

Love and kisses. Sheila

November 1944 no day on letter but envelope looks like 21st

Dear All:

Received another parcel to-day from Mary and Eileen, and am so thrilled with all the darling parcels, they looks so sweet and exciting to say the least. I have also put it in my trunk so I shall lots to open come Xmas.

Last night was “my night to howl” we have one night a week off. So Jake Malloy (a officer pt) and I went down to the Kersgley? Cottage for a duck dinner at 7:30. It was really grand, a perfect dinner (for over here) and we sat before the fireplace and both did a great deal of reminiscing and loved it. Then we went back to his room and listened to the radio for awhile – then home to bed. It was fun and I felt much better this evening coming on duty.

Got a convoy in to-day directly from No 8, but haven’t found anyone yet who met Pattsy, but some were only there from 24 to 36 hrs, so naturally even if they saw her, they would not be sure it was her.

Tues night
Did not get this finished last night so shall to-night.

After we got up to-day went over the 3 Xmas parcels and sorted food from presents and set them apart and one of these nights so shall have a real feed with the stuff that will not keep. My the parcels are all so well done up and are so sweet, I love them all, and could just picture you doing them up.

We went out on our bic (bike) yesterday, and took a roll of pictures, but as things everything is so slow here we will not have them for 2 weeks so shall send them on then.

There is little news around here, so shall close for now, and shall write later.

Love to you all and thanks and thanks for the parcels,

Love Sheila

Sept 25, 2015 – Puppies and the Pope

Got so busy yesterday never got to writing anything.   So much to do and a day watching the Pope go through Washington DC. It was wonderful to watch on TV and I am glad I was not there. It would have been exciting but I know my feet would not have enjoyed waiting for hours.  I cannot figure out the idea of standing their for a 30 second view.  It reminded me of 1961 when I got to see John Glenn in NY City at his ticket tape parade.  I was of course very short compared to everyone else and as the car went past with John Glenn in it one of my classmates lifted me up so I could see and was able to reach over and touch the car.  Obviously the people who were in DC and NY City will never forget the experience and it really would have been fun to be in DC trying to see the Pope.

Then yesterday afternoon I went to Saratoga to go to the dog park with Norah and the puppies. I was very impressed with them. They did not need to be on leashes as they went right to the car when we left the house, then stayed in Norah’s view the entire time we were walking in the woods.  They would take off and then come right back as soon as she asked them to.  After settling them down in their crates at home we went out for dinner.   Went to Wheatfields, they have a separate gluten free menu.  We had salads, pizza marguerita, and tiramisu for dessert.  I save my occasional gluten for desserts when I eat out.  It was a great evening out and we decided we need to do it more often.  I love walking around Saratoga. Reminds me of the year we lived there and Tim, Denis and I would go for walks around the town. it was fun and still is. Love all the stores and the architecture is fabulous.

Today I went down to Trendy Tots and got some great outfits for my little girls. Really love this store.  Nothing that looks used is allowed. All the outfits are hardly worn like so many of the outfits that kids wear that their parents pay big bucks for. The only problem today was they had no dresses in the size I wanted.  So will go back Thursday to see if they have any before I leave.

Then it was back to watching the Pope. Never even took my walk today. I thought his visit to the school in Harlem was the best  The kids did a great job and the Pope looked so happy.  I hope that all that he had to say to the leaders was heard in the way it was meant to be heard.  The fighting in DC needs to stop and they need to find a way to work together.  But I fear that life will go on as it has been.  Sad, so sad..

WWII seemed to be a better thing to concentrate on.  I have said this before but so much else was happening that they could not write home about. Really too bad..

Nov 9, 1944

Dear All:

Received a grand letter from Mom and am so glad Eileen is feeling better and hope she continues to feel better.

All the time I am back working again and feel fine, had a real good rest at convalescent and feel much better for it all. I am on nights now and it is now 3:30 am and I’m in the kitchen with my feet in the stove and it is nice and warm.

Stub Brown, who was at Queens was down yesterday to see Doylie, and we had a grand visit. He had seen Pattsy at Bayeux and had seen a lot of the kids from Queens. He felt awful about Bart Newsome ,as Doylie and I did also, we all thought somehow Bart wouldn’t get it.

It was so perfect seeing him, you know someone from home, it is so funny. I just knew Stub vaguely at Queens but when we saw each other we both felt so good. He is on a 2 wk leave and then back to Belgium again. Poor lad but his nerves are really good, for all.

WE are waiting for news of Claire Kennedy’s wedding of the 4th. Poor Suddsie felt a bit blue that day as she always thought she’s be home for her wedding, and has never met the guy Claire married.

We are quite busy these days and a lot of the boys we have will be going back to the front again as soon as they are well enough.

It seems funny you people will be seeing Norm Wilson-Smith soon. He will be at RMC around the 4 or 5. Don’t forget to have a grand dinner for him, when he goes over to the house

Well dears, there is little news here. Doylie and Suddsie both send their love, they are so sweet and am so glad they are with me. Doylies brother Joe is over here now too.

Well dears, this is all for now.

Love to you all,

Sept 23, 2015 – Glorious Day

Wow, was today a beautiful day. I hope where ever you were was sunny, bright and just warm enough to be doing things outside but not too hot.  I walked for 30 minutes and although it was boring as could be it was nice being outside in the brightness and the sunshine has to be good for all of us.  I heard at the rate we are going this will be the second warmest September in history. Well, since they have been keeping modern records.

In the mean time I was cleaning out more drawers and cabinets.  Found some great things I had forgotten we owned.  Things I bought at craft fairs, prints that use to hang on the walls in my mom’s house, books by family members that I had put away so safely I could never have been able to find them.  And I have made some decisions about some other possessions as far as giving them away.  Every year for 30 plus years we added a Christmas book to our collection for Santa to read on Dec 23 and out annual party.  I am thinking of sending them to each of the children in the next generation on my side of the family.  There are eleven children so that might give them each two books. I might keep a few for myself since I have some personal favorites that I bought before I had children.   Husband wants me to get rid of things but anything with a history I will have to find a special place.

What would you do with old ash trays? I have some silver ones, pottery ones etc. Some are quite pretty.  I could start smoking again… but it costs too much.  I have a friend who developed asthma as an adult like me and after she quit smoking. When she went back to smoking her asthma stopped.  Do you thinking smoking could be a cure for autoimmune caused asthma????  Such thoughts.

I loved watching the Pope’s visit today.  He is so peaceful looking and yet says what needs to be said.  He has such compassion and care for others.  And the people obviously love him so much.  Then to end the day I had a great time on skype being read stories by number ! granddaughter. She read us three books. It was so much fun, She would read a page and then turn to the book to show us the pictures. Then #2 started looking at books and showing us the pictures as well. So we actually got to see five books. It was funny to watch.  They have grown up so fast.

22 Cdn Gen

7 November 44

Dear All:

Seems to me I wrote last week and forgot to mail it for a couple of days sorry – shall mail this stat to-morrow morning.

Last week had a bit of a cold so my day off was Friday and went to bed Thurs at 4:00 and stayed there till Sat morning with camphor ointment on my chest and low and behold – cold all gone. I have lived and learnt. Smart girl eh.

Sat night went out with George Wolff to a dinner party and big dance. Gorgeous dinner and actually steak and boy did I eat and enjoy it. It was grand, then went to a big dance all the English babes in evening dress – no worrying what dress I’ll wear just yet. The old buttons done is my tune and of course the shoes. My wool and my sick uniforms are now beginning to show the 1 ½ yrs I have worn them but still press up and don’t look too bad, certainly eases one’ mind on what to wear. It was a real good dance and good orchestra and George is a super dancer and I still would rather dance than eat – Hey watch that stuff, not eat. I love to do that.

Haven’t done much this week, but Monday got a letter from Roly and he expects to be back today or tomorrow. So far have heard nothing today so he probably will be in tonight or tomorrow. Haven’t a clue where he will go, probably the furthest repat station from here.

Received my Xmas parcel from Pattsy last week, a darling greenish blue sweater and a grand single strand of pearls. Lovely both of them and the sweater shall look delicious with my suit. Really delicious Mom, remember the way you used to tell me y adjectives were in the wrong use always. Still are – Frankie.

Have really done alright to-day this is the 7th letter – getting all caught up again. Find with all the changes around here. I have quite a collection to write too. Just count the family alone. Gee a whole tribe of us O’Connor’s eh.

As you have probably guessed I’m as giddy as can be to-day but it is fun. So before I ramble on and on – love to all of you – Sheila

September 20, 2015 – Love and Murder, Running and Brunching

What an interesting 24 hours we have had!  Last night we went and saw “Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder” at Proctors Theater.  What a great fun time! and Such talent.  We are so lucky to have the Theater and all the Broadway road shows of the top hits coming and being able to see them for a fraction of what it would cost to see them on Broadway.  It is a great, fun musical so if it comes to your town be sure and go and see it.

This morning it was an early day. Denis was running the Saratoga Palio half marathon so he was out before I was even thinking about opening my eyes.  My alarm went off at 7 but it would appear that I slept through for a while after hitting the darn noisy thing. I did find out that if I do that dreams come back to me. Last night I dreamt something about Aunt Sheila and a conversation – dream type- being had before she died. I never remember my dreams so this was quite nice.

Finally I did get up and took a shower because for some reason I thought Denis said he would finish sometime around 11. When I called Norah she told me he would finish around 10:15 so I hurried up and drove up and although we missed him finishing we did find him and the three of us went out for brunch.  He did great running today and he did not look worn out at all although I am sure he was feeling it.  One thing we learned at brunch was never order fried oatmeal again. we all tried it and even with some syrup it was not so great. I had a fruit plate with a tiny bit of yogurt and granola.  It was okay. They did not have any “gluten free” items on the menu but I figured it out and enjoyed what I had.

Then we walked back to Norah’s and along the way were admiring the homes.  I really do want to move back to Saratoga as it is such a walkable city and I could get out easily and have places to walk to without going along a major highway. There must be some year round rentals on the west side of the city that would meet our needs.  My first job is going to be to clean out this house so I am going to do an hour a day and see how I can do.  Will also get some teenagers over here to clean the basement so I can see what it would look like with a coat of paint and no junk laying around.  At this time there are three houses for sale in our circle so not a good time to put anything on the market. But come the spring if I get accomplished what I am going to attempt, then we will talk about it more seriously. I love that place.

And back at Norah’s the two dogs were happy to see us and are behaving so much better now that they are over a year old. They respond to hand commands and don’t run away outside. Very nice to see them growing up.


more commonly known as <b>saratoga</b> <b>saratoga</b> <b>springs</b> <b>new york</b> hosts some ...

now for WWII – And how the staff were treated when they got sick…. It would never happen today I am sure of that. Sounds like they were treating Sheila very well. And I love how the patients got up and wandered around visiting each other.


Dr and Mrs Fergus O’Connor

193 Earl St., Kingston On

I am still installed in the hospital, but don’t say “Poor Sheila” because I’m enjoying it all. I got a cold about 2 weeks ago, just after I came back from leave, so I broke dates and went to bed pronto @ 7:30 and got that awful deep cough of mine back again and about a week after I got the cold when it is just starting to wear off and I am feeling fine again, the people got sick of hearing me cough so stat I go to the hospital and have been here a week and am enjoying the rest to the full, absolutely no complaints at all.  I complained bitterly at first but now I just content. To-day for a change have my hair done up on the top of my head, (Glamour type)

At first I was put in the Officers Ward, and I was having myself a whale of a time, when the Colonel came around and thought it very indiscreet having male and female patients, in rooms beside each other so stat I am changed to the hut where the female M.O.’s live, but the boys troop in and out to see me and they are all a good bunch.

Carmel sent me some nuts and they arrived yesterday and was really very glad to get them as it was like beginning sick at home getting nuts, we all enjoyed them very much.

Bluie just brought my mail over and there was one from Fergie + Agnes Devine. Had a nice letter from Sister MacPherson yesterday and Auntie May Shea, the day before. Sister MacP. told me Sr. Baker was sick so I wrote Sr. Baker a letter yesterday.

There is really no news here lately, but the place is changing a lot due to a new Colonel, but so far I can’t say I like him too well, but I don’t know him well enough yet.

Well dears this is all for now. Doylie sends her love to you all and says to tell you she is taking good care of me. Thanks to she + Suddsie I’m in here. I was mad at first but now I’m enjoying the rest.


September 19, 2015 – Bringing back energy…. and the book

Well, what a lovely day here. I am sitting here in the house waiting for the Sears guy to come. That is truly frustrating wishing to be outside.  I hope they show up soon.  But in the mean time I spent time folding and stapling handouts for the Drug Take Back Day and am almost finished. I was going to have a collating party with some friends but with only two pieces of paper not much putting together to do. The big guy is down at the college bring trained to be on the judicial panel that hears cases when there are problems on campus.  Tonight we are heading for the theater to see a play.  Should be a nice time.

I am getting geared up to start clearing out more of our possessions. The bags of old clothes are piling up, old maps, things stuffed in shelves just to put them somewhere.  The time has come to clear out more of those things.  I figure one hour a day will help clean things out.  And the book…

I now know how i am going to put together Pat and Sheila’s letters and incorporate any letters I find that were written to them during those long months during WWII.  The research part will be finding out more about the battles and the people they talk about in their letters.  Some of that has been very frustrating. But the ones I have found have been kind of neat at times. One of Pats friends became a famous doctor who invented treatments that are used today. Another fellow became very important in the military over the years. I want to include that information as it will make it all more real and educational.  I also realized that if I finish this project and get it published and actually sold any that that could be a problem. So, I have come up with a solution – any profits if there were any – would go to the Bursary at Queen’s University in my Grandfathers name.  Both of these women loved their father very much and it would honor them and him to do that. So, that is not a worry, might not be anyway.

In this letter Sheila again talks about Eileen being sick. I found out a few years ago that that illness was Polio – according to one of her daughters.  No one else had the disease although my cousin thought our family had brought it over from Buffalo,, Not sure how that works if you don’t have the disease, if you can spread it without having it. But that is why Eileen was sick for so long. She was also pregnant.

Late October 1944

Dear All,

After my leave I came back and due to the dampness of weather etc I caught a beastly cold and got my old cough (from the shoes up) again and the Matron was horrified by the sound of it and thus I’m in the hospital.

I feel just fine though and did nothing but sleep for the 1st 2 days so now I’m enjoying the rest. I had on X-Ray of chest and sinuses – both neg. Complete blood count and wait till you hear this – this will floor you – my hemoglobin is 95% – RBC – 4,5000000, and WBC 9,000. So I am a very healthy specimen to be in the hospital, so not being sick I’m enjoying life.

Doylie and Suddsie are both back on nites and I shall follow suit as soon as I get out of here. Thought I’m enjoying this.
To-nite 2 of the officers from the other ward came over and Bluie and I and they played cribbage and had a really good game, even though I lost.

I have not had any mail for the last 2 days but expect soon tomorrow no doubt.

I am really enjoying the rest here, am in a separate ward, reserved for sick nurses but 2 of the rooms are filled with female .O. so you are not alone at night and it is a cute private room, with all the comforts.

Well dears, want to get this off so shall close for now, hope Eileen is well.

Love to you all,

Sept 17, 2015

Good morning. Lovely day. I am just getting ready to head out so will post this letter from WWII and then write more this evening.  I love the high pressure when I have some energy.  The kitchen is a bit cleaned up, a laundry on the line, daily journal in process, threw away a bunch of old stuff and all set with doctors appointments to see if I can get myself back on track.

Had a great time yesterday. Met with Bob Schaefer who I am going out to Salt Lake City with on the Genealogy tour.  He gave me some tips of things I should bring with me. So have my list etc All psyched up for trying to find some ancestors. Plan is to see if I can find anyone prior to 1800 in Ireland or Scotland on my mom’s side.  If I ended up with more time I might try to find Maggie McGuiggan’s history after all, another Maggie needs to have her day in history.

The social justice meeting last night at church went really well.  We are going to look into sponsoring a Syrian family.  The homeless families who have stayed with us seem to be doing okay. And if the dates get set up as we want our Fair Trade Sale will be great – two days and lots of vendors.  Last year they sold over 11,000 worth of goods benefiting third world workers.  I am excited about helping with that. And had a great visit in the parking lot after with Jay Petro who is a wonderful woman. I hope I can have her energy when I get to her age what ever that might be.

Well, have to run. Have a grand day.

24 October 1944

Dear All:

Received Mom’s letter to-day, and was very glad to get it, as it was such a sweet newsy letter. I am so glad you received the pictures and liked them as I also thought they were really very good too.

I was so thrilled with Mom’s letters in regards to Eileen and Connie, I know just how thrilled you must all be and I am sorry Eileen isn’t feeling so good but hope by now she is much better. Also so pleased that Verna is back, say a big Hello to her for me, as she is so sweet and it must be perfect for you and Eileen to have her back.

Mom, you mentioned about going to Buffalo to see Dr. Deyko. I hope you have a good time and that he gets your eyes correctly this time.

I have been wondering if my salt and pepper tweed coat is still around, as I hate to have you send my camel hair as it is a bit too good, but if my salt and pepper is still around it would be alright, as I do need a coat very much.

The place here is starting to fill up again and get very busy, as they are still sending convoys back from France though soon I imagine they shall stop as all the hospitals are set up over there.

Suddsie’s sister Clara is being married on the 4th of Nov and I think it all has an awful effect on Suddie as she would so like to be there, poor kiddo as Clare is her only sister and weddings are such fun.

Had a letter from Aunt May Shea today with a cute picture of Gordon and herself. It was a sweet letter and a cute picture.
I am so thrilled about all the Xmas parcel and shall be looking forward to getting them.

This shall be all for now, shall write again soon,

Love to all,

Mary Doyle just came in and sends her love to you all and Ferg and Connie,

September 15, 2015. – old friends, and WWII letter additions

Today was a busy day. Started with field of vision test at the eye doctors.  That was quick. Then the bank, alternative pharmacy and the Senior Center.  Good seeing my buddies down there who work there and then the folks who were there for the activities. I was there to give them flyers to encourage them to come to the National Drug Take Back Day on Sept 26th and drop off unused, out of date prescriptions as well as over the counter medications. They do a great job of coming down to town hall and following through and letting their friends know to come.  Next week I will join the chair Yoga class but today I had other things to do.

The lovely new used car had its first visit to the dealer for a check up. Of course it passed with flying colors. Good thing they found nothing the matter with it.  Did not take long and I was back home. Driving down the street I saw my little buddy Dottie walking back to her house from the fellow across the streets house.

I parked the car and got my water and thought I would take a walk.  She was still out when I got to her house so I wandered it to say hi since I have not seen her since the spring. Dottie agreed to come over and see my new front walk and then we went inside and I showed her pictures of the two little kids from this summer.  She was thrilled. She has a hard time with speech after having had several strokes but we giggle a lot over her not getting words out and my trying to guess what she really wants to say.  I just love her she is a pistol and has always loved my kids. She has two sons, no grandkids and one of her daughter in laws died last year from cancer after a very long battle. It was so nice having that little visit with Dottie and then Debbie across the street joined us.

Then I relaxed and ate and headed off to Tai Chi class.  What a fun time we had!  There are about 10 of us when we are all there but there were 7 this evening and we had a great time going through the 108 forms and really laughed and had fun. The others have started training using swords but I don’t have one yet. Got to get one sooner than later.

I started reading through the file with the letters from Pat and Sheila to my mom and dad during WWII. They will make a nice addition to the group of letters we already have.  My mom was a champion letter writer. from the time she left home in 1935 she wrote home at least once a week until there was no one left to write to and she wrote to her other siblings at least once a month as well.  She wrote long newsy letters and I think that is why the letters from Pat and Sheila are pretty complete with news and updates.

I will work on them and then include them in the letters soon.

Armed Forces Air Letter – air mail – hand written (22 oct `44)

Dr and Mrs Fergus O’Connor / 193 Earl St / Kingston On


Dear Mom + Dad + all:

What is this I have heard about Eileen. Had a letter from Carmel and have been wondering ever since how she is, so do write and tell me all about just what is wrong. Gee I hope she is feeling better now. Carmel said something about Eileen in the hospital and I have been wondering ever since just what is wrong or when she went in, the letter came this morning and then I reread Mary’s letter of yesterday which said very casually something about Eileen not getting downtown, but not explaining. Hope she is all better by the time this reaches you.

Had the funniest feeling yesterday when I was doing that parcel up for you, to think Happy will actually hand it to you or Dad, it is amazing isn’t it. He said he would look at Princess + Earl St. for me. It seems funny it think I haven’t seen it in 5 months, it certainly seems like 5 months. The parcel is from Patt + I.

Pattsy is certainly travelling and now is beyond Brussels, gee whiz that is something. I got Uncle Jim’s, Jack and Mary O’C cig this month and glad to get them. By the way do you think you could see me some Lux flakes + Lux soap as I’m getting down in my last box of flakes and have about 4 bars of Lux left. There is no hurry, but just sometime in the next months. Also if you could get me some nursing-sister stockings as they (the ones I have) are starting to wear, at least my mends are opening again + again.

I have been very busy lately as they are now flying  the convoys back and then sending them on to various hospital.

Good bye and Love to all


September 14, 2015 – Dad’s birthday, scammers, and addiction

These three titles are completed disconnected but when I saw the date I realized today would have been my Dad’s 105th birthday.  He died two weeks after his 65th birthday – a terrible painful death from what was most likely an abdominal aneurysm which was not diagnosed since as a pharmacist he diagnosed himself and his doctor accepted his self evaluation.  Not that they could have saved his life but you never know.   It was a terrible shock to all of us since it was so sudden.  What we came away with afterwards were a couple of things – 1. Don’t forget to tell people you love that every chance you get since you might never get the chance again.  2. Have a viewing for the family even if you are going to be cremated.  We all experienced the same thing every time we went to see our Mom, just expected Dad to show up. Only one of us got to see him after he died so it just was not real. For myself a year later I had a total melt down and realized it was because it was impossible a year earlier since it was so unreal. And 3.  Don’t be your own doctor.  If you are in terrible condition call for help and at least give yourself the chance to know what is happening to you.

Scammers has to do with the phone call I got this morning from my credit cards fraud department informing me that my card had been used in California yesterday – could not have been me or my sweetheart since we are both here.  Also, I never shop at Walmart so another red flag.  They are sending new cards but it has me thinking. This card is new since the Target problem a year ago. I was shopping the other day and bought somethngs at Target – do you think they are still vulnerable? Have been wracking my brain trying to think what I bought that might have given someone the opportunity to scam me.  I do love the fraud protection folks who monitor my cards.  They will call if we are out of town and charge something and even if the card is frozen I would rather that then to have some idiot thief out there running up bills.  I would actually like a chance to take a serious swing at them with a baseball bat.

And finally addiction – ever think about what you are addicted to?  I am fighting not to watch TV much but my problem is once I start I have a terrible time getting away from it.  What is it about the TV that traps me? I could sit and watch crap all night even though I know I am exhausted and need to get sleep.  I think that is why I love life in the north with no TV and no temptation to watch since there is nothing to watch it on.  And since I found out how expensive it is for me to be watching netflix on my laptop up there I don’t do that either.  So it is reading or writing or knitting but no TV up there. I wonder how long I can hold it together here.  Last night I decided to watch the news and at 11 finally stopped watching.  I love Sherlock HOlmes and NCIS and the 11 O’Clock news but really now. I did not do one other thing.

How do you curb an addiction to TV?  I already forbid myself any TV watching before 5 pm even though I am here by myself all day.  And lately I have not watched the news because it is the lead-in to an evening of TV watching.  Darn. How does one control oneself? Not starting is not the problem, it is if I do start I cannot pull myself away.  YUK>>

Turned into a lovely day today and I did laundry and pulled weeds and got some fresh air.  Also watched on Netflix another Midsomer Mystery on the IPAD>  love that show.  Cannot get over after four seasons that anyone is still alive in that little place since each show kills off at least three, four or more citizens of the place.  Also spent some time starting to fix up the TV room as my computer space. The upstairs space I made for myself does not work because the internet signal is blocked by the chimney going up the middle of the house.  So I have to move elsewhere and the tv room is where the base is located so I think that will be fine. Just going to get rid of a bunch of things that have been sitting on the floor for a long time. Purging time for me again.

Now for Sheila,  She obviously is in love with London and her friends and having a good life during the war.  I wish the censors and the folks who gave them instructions about what to write home had shut up.  I would like to know more about what it was really like for her.  But maybe that will never be possible.

21th Oct 1944

My dear Mom, Dad and all:

I seem to have been slipping fast lately in regards to letters and am awfully sorry but lately we have been having the darnest weather, rain, rain, rain and have been busy all day and it seems to rain all night, so we really don’t feel any too energetic and so I just haven’t written a letter since the 11th till today. Sorry and shall do better now.

Received Mary’s blank letter and must tell you about it. Our dining room is off the mess and at 10:00 we have coffee in the Mess and our post boxes are in the dining room so the room was filled and I came out with Mary’s letter and was standing in the middle of the room and noticed it wasn’t sealed or return address on it and commented on the fact, and everyone was looking at me because of the fact that the letter was not sealed and then I opened it and not even a “dear Shiela” or anything else, did they raze me, it was a joke all day and then to-day I got her letter and had already guessed something like that had happened.

One of the officers here, left yesterday and I sent a parcel home with him as his wife lives in Kingston. Lieut Lorenger is his name and the main point is they are Xmas presents for Mom & Dad from Patt and I. I was in such a hurry to get it ready as he only got 3 hrs notice that he was leaving and I had to run off duty to post it, so that is why I just put a wee note in it, but they are from Patt and I and sorry it isn’t more but coupons are such a problem, there is just something for Mom, Dad and Mary, so help you get them soon and like them.

Love to you all, Sheila.