Tag Archives: Noah

August 23, 2015 – Good byes again and big scare

Last night we went to the play “Bed and Breakfast” at the 1000 Islands Playhouse.  It was so good.  The two actors played all the roles and they switched from one character to the other flawlessly.  There were few props but great sound effects.  If you can see it there before it ends might be a great night out for you. The playwright is part of the playhouses Playwriters Unit which funds four playwrights a year to develop their plays while in residency at the playhouse.  This one is very good and was a great night out.

Also we ate dinner at the Stonewater Pub across from the Gananoque Inn.  The meal was very good and before hand sitting at the bar we had a great chat with a couple from near Toronto who were visiting the area for the first time.  They were taking the boat cruise last evening.   I had fish and chips and Denis had a wrap with seafood – shrimp etc  We both enjoyed our meals and they were not too big. I don’t like being stuff especially before having to sit for a couple of hours.

The stars were gorgeous last night and the milky way clear as could be. I went out around 11 for a while and just looked up and the sky in wonder.  It never gets old looking at the Universe.  The feeling of being so small and wondering if there are others out there looking up thinking the same things.  If we are here then why not others out there and not ones with strange bodies but creatures just like us.  If there are others out there I hope if they ever come they treat us better than those who invade countries on our planet. We really are not very nice to others we perceive as different from ourselves.

Today I got a bit of a shock this morning when I saw on Facebook that my old buddy Noah who I have known since he was two or three was in a car crash and was in the hospital.  His friend who posted made it sound like he was in really bad condition.  He is injured but not as bad as my imagination had lead me to believe.  His family has been through enough and did not need this or anything worse.  So, I am relieved that he is going to be okay but sore for a while. His dad needs a new vehicle which is not happy but considering the options I guess I would take a totaled car over a totaled kid any day.

The rest of the day got better once I knew Noah was not critical.  I went down to the beach and had a nice visit with the “girls”. Cousins Brenda, Ellen, Annie and Helena. They are so nice and how lucky I am to be their cousin.  Then I went over to say good bye to Kevin and Kate and the boys as they head for home and back to teaching and school. They have a much bigger packing job than we have when it is time to close up.  They have all the boats etc and furniture to put away etc.

I also started putting Sheila’s letters in a binder to be ready to scan them each before they are set up for donation to the War Museum.  Once I have both Pat and Sheila’s letters together and all in binders and make sure they are all scanned in the original form then we can set up a date to donate them to the Museum.  Hopefully by next summer.

2 A.M. 24/8/44

Dear Eileen & Bill:

What a grand surprise I got when your Laura Secords arrived to-day, really they are grand we will certainly enjoy them. We are right out of candy for the last week or so, so Doylie, Mary Kennedy and I really enjoyed a piece tonight before I came on duty.

Funny the way we rationed them so they will last, as they are so good and thank you both very, very much.

I am rather tired to-night as the convoys are really rushing in and all beds are automatically filled up. The planes are really going over to Normandy to-nite. Since 9:00 there has been a continual roll of them going over. So far there has only been one buzz bomb over, but there shall probably be 2 or 3 around 5 or 6, or at least one knows there will be, because they are like clock work, every morning about that time.

This is my 6th nite on duty and have 2 left, but am really not minding it at all as the boys are really perfect. You know they never let up and I’m right in the groove as I get teased from the time I come on till I go off and really like it, as they are all good sports.

We worked from 7 pm to 8 am and have 3 hours off. If we can take it. I’m off from 3-6 tonight and have my nite off to –morrow so I’m really in good spirits now.

Had a letter from Len Patterson the other day and am going to meet him in London next week and it will certainly be good to shoot the breeze with someone familiar.

Our leaves are starting again, so we are all keeping our fingers crossed, that we will get them together and then we shall have an opportunity to see some more of the country. So far we have explored the surrounding places here and really know our way around in Brighton but would like to see London and Northern England.

Well, dears, this must close and thank you both for the Laura’s as I love them and give dear Janie a big kiss form me and tell her I miss her very much. Miss you all alot,

Love and thanks, Sheila

post card of Brighton I found on google…
