Tag Archives: St Kateri’s Parish

June 7, 2015 – perfect day

Today was a perfect day – not too warm but lovely breezes and sun and sun and sun… We started out at Church where the new deacon spoke for the first time.  He worked in sales for 27 years before entering the seminary to become a priest. He was nervous but did a great job of engaging everyone.  And there were a whole slew of first communion kids which was very cute. After Mass there was a ministry fair. We have 83 various ministries people can join. I was working at the Social Justice Ministry table.  I got two people to join up which was a good thing.  Handing them a report on our activities for the year was a great idea as they could see the variety of things we do all year.  Our latest was putting up the Peace Poles at the two churches and several of our members went to training for the new program where we host homeless families over night for a week at a time.  That way the kids can stay in their home schools as they are transported every day to their schools and the parents go to a site for training and help in finding adequate housing for the family.  I also resigned up to work at coffee hour and will continue to make prayer shawls.  They are an easy pattern and I can do it during quiet times.  I don’t make a lot of them but they tell me that does not matter. Just that I do what I can.


Then D and I headed for the Farmers Market.  We were out of a bunch of items so are now restocked.  It was lovely down there and I got my first basket of fresh strawberries. Oh they taste so good. here is the link to the Greenmarket. It is a very good one.


Since it was a good day for a walk I went over to Tim’s to check out his flowers and new gardens.. they are gorgeous.  I am so proud of him and the way he has taken his love of growing things and working outside and turned it into such a talented gift.  People love the work he does and I can tell it still fills him with good feelings to see the end product of his work.  I hope they get visitors next Saturday when people can tour the gardens. It is a Soroptimist fund raiser.

Then I went home and headed for Price Chopper.  Yippee. I lost my list in my cart and so I was purchasing on impulse and trying to remember the few things that were on the list.  I stocked up on some items for Canada and got lots of fruit and some veggies.  Cannot get too excited about veggies at the moment.  I don’t really like any of them and don’t want to have anything left over when we leave.   Need to clean out the frig when I get back in town next week before we leave.

So, will see if there is still another few letters from Pat in Vancouver.  I hope the week is not too hot for everyone after this perfect weather. We are suppose to get thunderstorms tomorrow.  That will keep me busy inside rather than be trying to find every excuse to be outside.

Van Mil Hosp
Dec 3, 1945

Hi dears:

Still have no word about the discharge but it should be through any day now.   Then my “board” is next.  Then I’ll take a train home.   I shall rather miss this lovely weather.   It’s so warm you have no idea.   As yet whenever I go out I put tan on my legs and don’t wear stockings and I’m never the least bit cold.     Everything good they say about this part of the country is true. I wish we all lived out here.

Charles is still here. We have had a lot of fun. He too is getting his discharge in the near future.

Nothing much new. Had a letter from Lib. She is being married in Feb to a man in Napanee. One she has known all her life but never went out with until last summer. Perfect eh!!

We’re not working hard but its rather fun.

Hope Mother feels better. Thanks for the nice letters. I shall be happy to be home awhile – then I want a good job.
love and kisses